Recruitment and Retention of Staff of Color
The Creative Corridor Center for Equity (C3E) has launched Focus, a program to support the recruitment and retention of staff of color in partnering school districts. Through the identification, recruitment, induction, and mentoring of both new and veteran educators of color, grow-your-own strategies, systems change coaching, and community-based partnerships that help build inclusive communities, C3E will attract, grow, and retain teachers administrators, and support staff and former teachers of color. To advance this initiative, Dr. Kristine Grant and Dr. Deanna Hill interviewed current staff of color to learn more about their experiences in schools and in communities in eastern Iowa. You can read the preliminary report from these interviews HERE.
Boards and Commissions
C3E assembled a talented team of individuals to re-conceptualize a training program designed to help increase the diversity of boards, commissions, and committees in Linn County, Iowa — including both public and on-profit — by creating g a pool of capable and prepared applicants from historically underrepresented and marginalized communities, including people of color, immigrants, people with disabilities, and low-income people. we want to ensure that the strengths and the needs of all our residents are understood and served, and that we tap into community service interests of our most diverse internal communities. Our focus is to engage both youth and elders among people of color, immigrants, people with disabilities, and low-income people.